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Home Privacy Policy


BSNA Mountain HR Solutions, LLC and its subsidiaries and divisions (collectively, “BSNA Mountain HR Solutions”, “we” or “our”) provides this Privacy Policy to explain our data and security practices and policies on BSNA Mountain HR Solutions websites and software applications (collectively, the “Sites”).   This Privacy Policy describes the types of Personal Information we collect, how we use the information, with whom we share it, and the choices you can make about our collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Information.  The phrase “Personal Information” refers to information that personally identifies you, either directly or in combination with other information, such as your name, address, telephone number, email address, credit card number or other billing information.  We also describe the measures we take to protect the security of your Personal Information and how you can contact us about our privacy practices.  This Privacy Policy incorporates by reference the Terms and Conditions for the Sites, which apply to this Privacy Policy.  When you visit the Sites, provide us with information or publicly post information, you consent to our use and disclosure of the information we collect or receive as described in this Privacy Policy.  We provide you choices that allow you to opt-out or control how we use and share your Personal Information.

Please review this Privacy Policy periodically as we may update it from time to time to reflect changes in our data practices.  We will post a prominent notice on our Sites to notify you of any significant changes to our Privacy Policy and indicate at the bottom of the notice when it was most recently updated.  If we make material changes to the policy that will adversely affect previously collected Personal Information, you will be notified and provided an opportunity to consent to the different practices specified in the updated Privacy Policy.  If you do not consent, you may delete your account and stop visiting or using the Sites.  Your continued use of the Sites after we publish or send a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy means that you are consenting to the updated Privacy Policy.

Information We Collect

BSNA Mountain HR Solutions collects Personal Information in a fair and lawful way, for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. The types of information we generally may obtain can include:

  • Personal Information provided by you (such as via a resume uploaded to our Site or a job application sent using our Site) or collected from third party sources as described below.
  • Publically available data about you from third party sites and sources, including profiles created by you on other websites, or other information you have publicly shared for the purpose of advertising or informing others about your background.
  • Username and password for the account you may establish on our Sites.
  • Payment details (including payment card number, security code, expiration date, cardholder name and billing address) if you buy products on our Sites.
  • Your demographic information (such as zip or postal code, occupation, education and experience, and if you choose to provide it, age, gender and race or ethnicity). We collect this information either through the registration process, from your resume or in the manner described below.
  • Job search behavior and preferences, and a record of the searches that you make on our Sites.
  • Other details that you may submit to us or that may be included in the information provided to us by third parties.
  • Technical information about your use of our sites or apps, as described below.

We may obtain information about you from various sources, including directly from you via our Sites, when you call or email us or communicate with us through social media, or when you participate in events, contests or other promotions.  We also may obtain information about you from our parent, affiliate or subsidiary companies, business partners and other third parties, as well as from publicly available information.

Many people invest significant time and energy to promote their professional reputation through public forums on the Internet.  We gather information relevant to your career history and work experience from these widely dispersed publicly available sources, including social media sites you may be part of, forming a “Profile.”  We make this Profile available to independent and company-specific recruiters for recruitment leads in a database known as “Recruitment Edge.”  Although we may generate a Profile about you based on publicly available information even if you do not have a BSNA Mountain HR Solutions account, we also will include the information that you provide to us via your BSNA Mountain HR Solutions account.  Use of these Profiles are limited to recruitment lead generation and may not be used for determinations about employment or other eligibility


How We Use the Information We Collect

We may use the information we obtain about you to:

  • Register, manage and maintain your account on the Sites.
  • Provide products or services you request.
  • Maintain your resume and/or Profile and make it available to recruiters through our products and services as described below “Information We Share.”
  • Supplement your Profile with publicly available information.
  • Process, validate and deliver your purchases (including by processing payment card transactions and contacting you about your orders, including by telephone).
  • Maintain a record of the jobs you view or apply to on our Sites.
  • Inform you of relevant job postings that may be of interest to you based on your interests as expressed previously through your job search behavior and preferences.
  • Provide administrative notices or communications applicable to your use of the Sites.
  • Respond to your questions and comments and provide customer support.
  • Contact you and deliver information to you that, in some cases, is targeted to your interests (such as relevant services, educational or other career development opportunities); enable you to communicate with us through our blogs, social networks and other interactive media; and solicit your feedback and input. These communications will contain links for preference management and, where appropriate, unsubscribe links should you decide you do not want to receive further communications.
  • Manage your participation in our events and other promotions, where you have signed up for such events and promotions.
  • Operate, evaluate and improve our business and the products and services we offer.
  • Analyze and enhance our marketing communications and strategies (including by identifying when emails we have sent to you have been received and read).
  • Analyze trends and statistics regarding visitors’ use of our Sites, mobile applications and social media assets, and the jobs viewed or applied to on our Sites.
  • Analyze trends and statistics about the job market and career mobility in local economies and nationally, and provide these analytics to customers of certain BSNA Mountain HR Solutions products and services.
  • Optimize our site search engine results and permit search engine access to public Profile information.
  • Protect against and prevent fraud, unauthorized transactions, claims and other liabilities, and manage risk exposure, including by identifying potential hackers and other unauthorized users.
  • Enforce our Sites’ Terms and Conditions.
  • Comply with applicable legal requirements, court orders, legal proceedings, document requests, and industry standards and our policies.

We also use non-personally identifiable information and certain technical information about your computer and your access of the Sites (including your internet protocol address) in order to operate, maintain and manage the Sites.  We collect this information by automated means, such as cookies and web beacons, as described in more detail below

BSNA Mountain HR Solutions only uses your Personal Information that is necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, or as permitted by law. If we seek to use the information we obtain about you in other ways, we will provide specific notice and request your consent at the time of collection.

Information We Share

We share the information that we collect from you or from third party sources with our affiliated companies, recruiters, educators and service providers.  In the normal course of performing services for our clients, Personal Information may be shared within BSNA Mountain HR Solutions and its affiliates for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy; as well as research and statistical purposes, system administration and crime prevention or detection.

Recruiters may use your information to contact you directly.  Additionally, when you apply for a job with a company through the Sites, the information supplied by you or shared through BSNA Mountain HR Solutions products and services may become part of such company’s database.  Similarly, if your BSNA Mountain HR Solutions resume or your Profile is downloaded by a recruiter, your information may become a part of their database.  In these instances, the use of such information by the recruiter will be subject to the privacy policy of that company, and we are not responsible for that company’s use of your information.

Where you have provided Personal Information on a Site that is “hosted” or “co-branded” by another company then that information will be made available to both BSNA Mountain HR Solutions and the hosting/co-branding company.  BSNA Mountain HR Solutions is not responsible for what the hosting/co-branding company, or any third party with whom you may share your Personal Information, subsequently does with your information.  You should review the privacy policy of the hosting/co-branding company to ensure that you are comfortable with how it intends to use and disclose your information.

All users should be aware that when they choose to display or distribute Personal Information (such as their email address or other contact information on a public resume) via the Sites or any other distribution method, that information can be collected and used by others. This may result in unsolicited messages from third parties.

We also may share Personal Information with our service providers who help us in the delivery of our own products and services to you. These service providers are required by contract or law to only use or disclose the information as necessary to perform services on our behalf or as otherwise required by law. Where we have knowledge that a service provider or partner is using or disclosing Personal Information in a manner inconsistent with this Policy, BSNA Mountain HR Solutions will take reasonable steps to prevent or stop such improper use and/or disclosure.

BSNA Mountain HR Solutions preserves the right to disclose without your prior permission any Personal Information about you or your use of this Site if we have a good faith belief that such action is necessary to: (a) protect and defend the rights, property or safety of BSNA Mountain HR Solutions, employees, other users of the Sites, or the public; (b) enforce the terms and conditions that apply to use of the Sites; (c) as required by a legally valid request from a competent governmental authority; or (d) respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third-parties. We may also disclose Personal Information as we deem necessary to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request.

In addition, Personal Information we have collected may be passed on to a third party in the event of a transfer of ownership or assets or a bankruptcy or other corporate reorganization of BSNA Mountain HR Solutions.


We may combine certain non-personally identifiable Aggregate Data, or otherwise anonymized or de-identified data about our users and use such data to prepare reports for our users (typically recruiters or educators).  “Aggregate Data” is the demographic information (such as zip code, age, gender, race or ethnicity) and employment information (such as occupation, education and experience) of many individuals that is combined together.  Aggregate Data is used to analyze the characteristics of various populations and does not identify any specific individuals.  We may also use and share anonymized or de-identified data to track trends in the labor market as well as use of our products and services.  Some Aggregate Data analytics reports can be used to better understand individual Profiles.  For example, our Recruitment Edge product provides aggregate data trends on the longevity of specific career positions to allow recruiters to identify Profiles of individuals who may be more likely to be interested in making a career move.

Privacy Options for Resume Database

Posting your resume on the Sites puts you in front of thousands of recruiters with open positions each day.  When you post your resume, we automatically create a registration for you using the email address and password that you supply.  When you return to the Sites in the future you will use that same email address and password to access and edit your existing resume.

We know that our job seekers have varying levels of comfort when it comes to publicly posting their resume on the Internet.  To accommodate the needs of all users, BSNA Mountain HR Solutions has 2 levels of resume privacy from which you can choose.  Please note that these privacy settings only apply to whether or not your resume is publicly available to third parties.  BSNA Mountain HR Solutions will still collect, use or disclose Personal Information, as well as anonymous, aggregated information about you and your visits to our website in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Standard Posting on the Searchable Database

When you post your resume to the Sites, it will automatically be visible to employers unless you opt out of this default option and make your resume private (described below).  The standard posting option gives you the most visibility to the broadest recruiter audience possible by making your resume searchable in our resume database.  If you select this option, any registered company (or individual recruiter) user who purchases access to the database can view your resume and contact details (to the extent you include them in your resume).


  1. Private Posting

Private posting prevents your resume from being searchable by recruiters in the BSNA Mountain HR Solutions resume database.  The benefit of uploading a private resume is that you can quickly and easily apply for specific jobs with the resume that you have on file without retyping your information.


We attempt to limit access to our searchable databases to legitimate users, but cannot guarantee that other parties will not gain access to these searchable databases.  While we limit access and use of information from our products and services in our Terms and Conditions, we cannot control the use of information by third parties once they obtain that information from our products and services or other publicly available sources.  Accordingly, you should not put information you would not want made public in your resume or to a public website.


Review, Update or Delete Your Account Information or Profile

BSNA Mountain HR Solutions takes reasonable steps to ensure that Personal Information is reliable for its intended use; as well as being current, accurate, and complete. As part of maintaining Personal Information which is accurate, current, and complete; we need your help. If you know that your Personal Information which you have provided to us is no longer accurate or complete, and you cannot update or correct the data via the Sites, please let us know by contacting us via the point of contact described. We cannot be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of information whose source BSNA Mountain HR Solutions does not control.

You may access, update and amend Personal Information included in your online BSNA Mountain HR Solutions account or remove your resume from our resume database at any time by logging into your account and making the necessary changes.  You may also delete your account, including your Personal Information and any resumes, from our resume database at any time by logging in to your account and making an account deletion request.  Deleting your BSNA Mountain HR Solutions account will remove your Personal Information and resumes from our resume database.  However, it will not delete your Recruitment Edge Profile