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SL Business Services

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SL Business Solution solves the Human Resources

We utilize our proprietary diagnostic system to customize our solution to fit your company’s specific needs. Our strategic HR service offering is not ‘one size fits all.’ We customize our service offering to fit your company’s specific needs.
SL Business Solution is a Managed Human Resources Organization dedicated to helping our clients make the most out of their investments, maximize their Human Resources, remain in compliance, and operate as efficiently as possible


We Deliver HR Outsourcing Services
Through An Integrated Technology

We are having more than 12 years of experience serving the market. We are having a young and dynamic team who are experts in fulfilling all kind of Govt / Private recruitments.

IT / Non IT Jobs

IT / Non IT Jobs





Abroad Services

Abroad Services



Technical Support / BPO

Technical Support / BPO

Banking Sector

Banking Sector

Free Education

Free Education





Govt. Sectors

Govt. Sectors

More to be Added

More to be Added

Recruiter Training Programmes

Recruiters are focused on getting results, but great recruitment relies on right candidate sourcing, candidate evaluation and stakeholder management. The Recruiter Training Programme is a customised solution and will be focused on:

  • ★  Best practices and skills to improve performance
  • ★  Achieve excellence in each step of the recruitment cycle including sourcing, assessment, offer management and soft skills.
  • ★  Learn how to use new techniques, tools and methods to reinvent your own style of great recruitment

Our selection process is based on a structured and systematic approach, which is proactive, detailed and target-oriented.

The process includes the following steps:

Develop an Understanding of the Organisation

To better facilitate the process, we will meet with key stakeholders important to the search to understand the organisation’s history, culture and operating structure.

Develop the Position Specification

The position specification document will be prepared based on our discussions. This serves as critical piece of information, which is shared with serious candidates for the position. It describes the key success factors and priorities of the position, as well as candidate specifications including competencies, experience, background and personal traits.

The position specification will be reviewed with the client and serve as a guide in determining whom we will contact during the course of the search.

The final position description will be presented for formal approval.

Identify Suitable Candidates

Upon approval of the Position Specification by the client, we will begin to search for candidates by following the below activities:
Based on our agreed search criteria and strategy, we will identify an extensive list of target industries and companies. Identified individuals will be contacted to assess their potential fit with the position requirements and check their interest in the position.
We have a centralized database which is updated on a continuous basis and contains a lot of information on professionals which help us identify and evaluate qualified candidates for client assignments.
Any candidates generated through the Client’s own sources would be included in the overall mix of candidates, as if they were generated directly by us. This would strengthen the overall partnership approach to the search. Each candidate will then be assessed individually on merit and may be evaluated comparatively to the entire candidate pool.

Evaluation and Shortlist

Based on our discussions, we will draw up an initial list of shortlisted candidates. This will be done after a detailed evaluation of the candidates in terms of their skill sets, experience and their interest in the mandate. In addition to personal interviews, we may use independent 3rd party Psychometric assessment tools at an extra fee.

For the most promising of these candidates, we will prepare a detailed résumé and evaluation summary, to facilitate the interview process.


We will arrange interviews between the short listed candidates with your representatives. On receiving feedback, from the candidates and yourself on the meetings, we will work with you to draw up the final shortlist.

Reference Checks of Successful Candidates

We will conduct detailed references on the final candidate(s) you wish to hire, before the offer is formally extended, should you so require.

You have the option of requesting a background check on candidates at an extra fee. This would be organised through an independent 3rd party agency.

Offer Negotiation

If required, Mountain Hr Solutions provides assistance to prepare a competitive employment offer based on client compensation strategy and market realities. On behalf of the client, we can present the offer and explain it to the selected candidate. Throughout this final stage of the search process, Mountain Hr Solutions represents the client.


Mountain Hr Solutions remains in touch with the hired candidate between 60 and 90 days after he/ she has started on the assignment.

Executive Search

Exclusive and Retained, our Executive Search Practice is primarily focused on Board and CXO level leadership hiring. Our goal is to deliver value to each client we serve and to help you attract top talent and to build adaptive, diverse people organizations that are prepared to fulfill strategic business objectives. We seek to understand each client’s strategic goals, the specific leadership roles, and competencies needed to meet those goals, and the culture that new executives need to embody.

Our executive recruiting consultants possess the expertise and contacts to best support our search. We draw on our high-level professional networks, industry knowledge and internal research resources to identify the right people. To stay on the cutting edge of talent strategy, we constantly track key trends in the global market for talent, and continually innovate our services and approach.

Executive Search ensures a quality outcome by targeting and contacting every potential candidate, not just those seeking new roles, resulting in candidates of higher caliber. We represent you professionally to candidates; the whole process ensuring confidentiality, time-bound efficiency and cost-effectiveness. It also ensures pre-qualification of candidates which will leave the line manager to focus on recruitment decisions. A strong emphasis on quick turnaround timelines and a highly process driven and customized Search Practice which relies heavily on knowledge management and industry research paradigms, ensures that the results are swift, sure and outstanding, as is witnessed through our client portfolio and success record. Given the highly intensive research led operations to our executive search model and a personalized candidate contact approach, we have demonstrated consistent results across Multinational, Transnational, start-up, complex and even unique or novel talent requirement demands, specific to each client organization.

Global Sourcing

Global Sourcing is a specialist service that has been developed to address the needs of global businesses looking at employing Indian & Expatriate talent at leadership / senior and middle management levels outside India. Mandates are delivered through an expert consultant team, which focusses only on such assignments. With our research-driven methodology, strong linkages within the Indian & global talent pool and our sourcing skills, we would be in a position to add significant value to your hiring process.

Global Companies are looking at hiring talent from India, knowing the versatility and professional competence of Indian talent that has been demonstrated and proven, beyond doubt in the recent years. Domain knowledge, multi-tasking, ability to adapt and experience of having worked in a complex Indian market are the factors that prompt global organisations to look for Indian talent. SL Business Solution is well positioned to cater to the needs of this segment given its pioneering and dominating presence in Executive Search & Selection in India.

Outsourcing & Offshoring

India is the preferred destination for Outsourcing and Offshoring (O&O) services. O&O capabilities evolved because of advancements in information technology, which led local markets all over the world to converge to become one global marketplace. Owing to these transformations, there have been significant displacements in workforce requirements at all sites.

However, the once disruptive industry is in the process of getting disrupted by new technologies and other trends including artificial intelligence and expansion drives by erstwhile domestic companies, as they look to establish bases in the same offshore markets from where they had diverted the tasks. This further restructuring of job markets is leading to a major reshuffle in the sourcing of skilled manpower from all across the world, fueling demand for talented workforce from India domestically as well as globally.


The per capita expenditure on Healthcare in India is continuously on a rise owing to greater awareness and better affordability. India has also become a favoured destination for medical tourism globally as it offers specialised services at very affordable cost by major hospitals housing specialist facilities for treatment for all diseases under one roof. The private sector are growing multifold to complement the government’s expenditure, which remains largely subsidised. The fast pace of expansion in the sector has been fuelling the demand for skilled Healthcare experts and technicians in the industry. We, at SL Business Solution Consultants, understand the growing demand for skilled experts and key individuals and so have maintained industry contacts with the right talent to meet the specific human resource needs of our clients.

Word of Mouth is a critical driver of talent in this industry. We have consultants having a strong network with employees working in different companies across various levels. These employees are our best ambassadors, thus making colleague referrals an important source of talent. SL Business Solution focuses on the right-fit model; with a robust evaluation procedure conducted by our specialist consultants, and a strong reference checks procedure to source the best talent.

Your Job Search Starts And Ends With Us